
The Lancet | The best science for better lives

The best science for better  lives. Explore the latest high-quality research from The Lancet Group.  

Better Science | Jose Perezgonzalez

Goal:  I'm aiming for Better Science, especially in psychology and related areas. I have proposed a reconceptualization of significance testing, a tutorial for data testing, and a clarification of p-values, significance, and meta-analysis; I'm also discouraging the use of NHST and substituting Fisher's and Neyman-Pearson's approaches instead. I have also developed a procedure for Sensitiveness Analysis (similar to Power Analysis but more appropriate when we know nothing about the alternative hypothesis). I will seek to expand into confidence intervals and hypothesis testing (Bayesian statistics) in the future  

Traces of Ancient Rome in the Modern World

The ideas and culture of ancient Rome influence the art, architecture, science, technology, literature, language, and law of today.  

5 Ways Roman Technology was Ahead of its Time

Thousands of years after its collapse, ancient Rome is well known for its ingenious engineering tactics and advanced technology. From constructing hundreds of roads stretching thousands of miles to maintaining a water supply sustaining millions of people, Roman engineers provided the ancient world with technology ahead of its time.  

Science and technology in the Netherlands - Wikipedia

Science and technology in the Netherlands  has an extended history, producing many notable achievements and discoveries in the field. It is an important component in the  economic  and  societal  development of the  Netherlands . The  Dutch government  is a driver of scientific and technological progress with science expenditure passing €4.5 billion every year.

Better science for safer medicines: the human imperative

Early in 2018, the UK’s BioIndustry Association and the Medicines Discovery Catapult 1  published a remarkable report calling for the process of drug discovery to be ‘humanised’ in order to ease the productivity crisis in pharmaceutical research. The mission of the Medicines Discovery Catapult is to help UK biotech companies transform so that the UK can maintain its position as one of the prime locations for developing new medicines. The UK industry leaders interviewed for the report stated that the key problem with the current system was the poor ability of existing pre-clinical models to reliably predict safety and efficacy in humans.

Promoting research and innovation excellence in Latvia | News

With the help of EU backing, the University of Latvia’s Institute of Solid State Physics has achieved elevated academic standing and greater collaboration between science and industry.