
For Yet Better Science

Under the right conditions, teams may benefit from various types of diversity, including scientific discipline, work experience, gender, ethnicity, and nationality. 

Accounting for sex and gender makes for better science

The European Commission will require sex and gender analyses in research design for grant recipients, a policy that will affect most fields of science .

Want to do better science? Admit you're not objective

Admit you're not objective. When science is viewed in isolation from the past and politics, it's easier for those with bad intentions to revive dangerous and discredited ideas.

The best science for better lives

Improving lives is the only end goal. Too much research is done for research sake. We believe that improving lives is the only end goal and that research is only relevant when it has an impact on human lives. The best science for better lives.

Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On 11 February, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. To celebrate diversity and representation in STEM-related fields, we asked six female scientists from CERN to share their stories. They shared what a typical day looks like, what they enjoy most in their profession and what is interesting in their careers.  

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for (Better) Science

The impact of data science on science and knowledge production is an important and timely topic. Data Science and AI are changing the way we do science. AI is increasingly used in scientific practices, from data discovery to data analysis, for extracting new knowledge out of research artifacts, generating novel and experimentally testable scientific hypotheses, writing, publication, outreach, and research assessment but its biggest promise is to generate new scientific knowledge and understanding.  

Leonid Schneider calls Springer Nature’s Science and Engineering Ethics Predatory, Without Proof

In the world of academic publishing, to refer to a journal or publisher (or any other scholarly entity) as “predatory” carries with it a very serious and negative connotation, and can damage its reputation if that claim is made in public. If such a claim is supported by clear evidence, then it becomes a valid critical opinion because it is substantiated... Leonid Schneider Tweeted on several occasions that Springer Nature’s Science and Engineering Ethics (SEE) was “predatory”, in one Tweet even stating that “They are deeply unethical crooks at Science & Eng Ethics!” These are not light claims to be made in public ... On September 16, 2017, the author contacted Schneider to request a full and thorough list of properties that led him to make these accusations in public. In that email, the SEE co-editors-in-chief, Raymond Spier and Stephanie Bird, Springer Nature, COPE and other related individuals were copied, with a formal request to offer feedback. Almost two years after that email