
Better Science Campaign

We are a team of scientists, medical professionals, former laboratory workers, researchers, and educators who are dedicated to evolving the scientific paradigm to one that serves all and protects the vulnerable. Advancing biomedical research to improve global health is a noble endeavor. We at Better Science Campaign believe that achieving this goal must not come at a cost of compromising our ethics, especially when considering animals viewed as research subjects.

‘Off-Earth’ asks how to build a better future in space

Ethics should be as much of a guide as science and technology, an astrophysicist argues

Want to Be a Better Boss? Biological and Leadership Science Says First Take a Look at the Clock

Research shows embracing your circadian rhythm (and the power of sleep) can make you more influential and decisive, and a better boss.

Plant and microbe matchmaking for better bioenergy crops

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have identified specific proteins and amino acids that could control bioenergy plants' ability to identify beneficial microbes that can enhance plant growth and storage of carbon in soils.  

Four Tips For Better ‘Relationshipping’ | Inside Our Program

AbbVie Marketing Manager Stephanie Pulliam shared her advice on how students can enhance their networks before — and after — graduation.

Better simulations of neutron scattering

Tripoli-4® is a tool used by researchers to simulate the behaviors of interacting neutrons in 3D space. Recently, researchers have developed eTLE: a next-event simulator which aims to increase Tripoli-4®'s precision using Monte Carlo simulations. New research implements and validates eTLE's reliability.

Straight from the heart

Lipids called ceramides may be better predictors of cardiovascular problems than cholesterol. Doctors and pharma are waking up to their potential.