
Gender diversity leads to better science

The data suggest that there is. Under the right conditions, teams may benefit from various types of diversity, including scientific discipline, work experience, gender, ethnicity, and nationality. This article highlights gender diversity.

Open science, done wrong, will compound inequities

Open science is a vague mix of ideals. Overall, advocates aim to increase transparency, accountability, equity and collaboration in knowledge production by increasing access to research results, articles, methods and tools. Making all that happen is expensive. Wealthy institutions and regions can afford this better than can poorer ones. Failing to address structural inequalities directly means that the advantages of those who are already privileged will grow, especially given that they have the most influence over how open science is implemented.

Building a Better Science Teacher

Experience and degrees don't matter in the classroom nearly so much as mastery of science and math--and some plain old smarts

China, pummeled by an outbreak, adds Pfizer’s antiviral pills to its treatment protocol

  China has revised the country’s pandemic guidelines to include the use of antiviral pills made by Pfizer, Paxlovid , as the country scrambles to contain its biggest outbreak since the early days of the COVID19 pandemic.

Speakers for Better Science Ideathon

Speakers at the Ideathon

Program for the Better Science Ideathon

The Better Science Ideathon took place at MIT, in Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.

MIT Better Science Ideathon

The first MIT Better Science Ideathon brought together teams of people involved in scientific research - including students, researchers, policy makers, publishers, and funders - to explore how the process of science can be improved.